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The Now, Next, Last and Millennium Prophecies By Bill Salus

Zandranna | Published on the wed Aug 23, 2023 4:38 pm | 43 Views

The Now, Next, Last and Millennium Prophecies By Bill Salus

The image of the book cover shown is the final book of a series of 5. Respectively named above.

The Last Prophecies consist of 2 books.  The first being the first 3½ years of the Tribulation to come and the second being of the last 3½ years.

For anyone curious about the times we are now living in and what is to come, as prophesied in The Bible, these are a must read.

Personally I read the last book first and worked my way backwards through them.  I have been studying Biblical Prophecy for the last few years and The Millennium Prophecies was the first book of this series that I came across and as there is a lot of prophecy scattered throughout the Bible regarding the coming Millennium Kingdom I was curious to see how this Author collated it all.

After reading that last book (the first for me) I simply had buy and read the rest.  Fascinating reading.


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